Take Me Out To The Ballgame!

After almost a year, I finally made it out to the ballpark again. With Barry’s race towards his record breaking homerun, and the Second Annual Stitch N Pitch Night, who can resist? Ron & Nate came with me to the game and they let me keep their goody bags.

I was always skeptical of people who said they can knit at a ball game so I thought I’d try it myself since I had so much company.

I did 3 rounds of my Monkey sock and decided that the stitches were too small and too dark to be doing in a situation where I’m supposed to keep your eye on the ball. So, I switched over to the bulky yarn spiral rib hat. Doing bulky projects from time to time gives me a sense of accomplishment since everything goes so fast and I can knit on for minutes at a time without looking down at my work.

The Giants went scoreless until 2 outs at the bottom of 9th when they tied the game went on to extra innings(more knitting time for me). We finally left at the top of the 13th inning when they fell behind 6-4. Listening to radio, on the way home, they were still playing the bottom of the 13th and finally lost 7-5.

I’m so glad we didn’t get shut out and watching all those last minute rallies were great fun. The downside is that I would put away my knitting whenever the Giants were up just to find myself taking it out again when inning’s over and the game is still tied.
Here is a picture of some of the items that came with the Stitch N Pitch goody bag and the progress I made on my hat.

Although they were several rows away, I saw many of my BobaKnit and LYS friends and their families. There were happy husbands, kids, & friends of knitters seated with the knitters cheering on our team. After 12 and a half innings I concluded that it is possible to knit at a ballgame AND if more families can do what the Stitch N Pitch families did last night, the world would be a better place.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Margit/Fiber Fiend
    Jul 25, 2007 @ 23:36:04

    Nice haul!

  2. mrseknstitch
    Jul 26, 2007 @ 10:57:37

    great goodie bags – remember who your favorite knitting sister is; families of knitters are generally happier families since the glue of the family is happily knitting away; when the knitter’s happy, everyone is happy. Nice cooperative husbands are helpful too.